
Energy Independence Summit 2022

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Energy Independence Summit 2022 will bring together leaders of the nation’s Clean Cities Coalitions, the clean transportation industry, the Biden Administration and Congress to discuss new strategies for advancing markets for clean fuels and vehicles.

LEARN the latest information about the tens of billions of dollars the federal government will invest in clean transportation technologies over the next five years.

HEAR from the leaders of the EPA Clean School Bus Program, the DOT Fueling Infrastructure Program, and the DOE Clean Hydrogen Program about how they plan to roll out funding later this spring.

Virtual Roundtables with Administration and Congressional Leaders: February 23 – 25
Participate in roundtable discussions with leaders of the Biden Administration’s clean transportation team, key Congressional committees, federal agencies, and the electric vehicle, natural gas, propane, biofuels, and hydrogen industries. Learn the latest about new tax incentives, new federal infrastructure investments and new federal funding opportunities.

Contact us if you are interested in attending or more information from Minnesota Clean Cities Coalition.

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