From the US DOE announcement:

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the Fiscal Year 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) Program Wide funding program. The 2025 VTO funding opportunity will award up to $88 million for projects that will seek innovative transportation solutions for on- and off-road vehicles.

Funding Topics

  • Topic Area 1: Technologies for Enhanced Lithium-ion Cell Safety
  • Topic Area 2a: Low-Cost Production of Lithium
  • Topic Area 2b: Lithium Metal Surface Protection
  • Topic Area 3a: Ultra-Long-Cycle Life Li-Ion Batteries for Heavy-Duty Electric Trucks
  • Topic Area 3b: Standardized Battery Module Design for Heavy-Duty Electric Trucks
  • Topic Area 4: Thermal Technologies for Zero Emission Vehicles
  • Topic Area 5: Optimized Grid Planning for Electric Vehicles Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure
    The objective of this topic area is to research, develop, and validate novel and innovative tools leveraging Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and smart metering as a sensory network to improve the EV charging infrastructure energization process, accelerate EV charging infrastructure deployment, and provide an efficient and secure EV load management platform.

    • Approximate dollar amount of individual awards: $1M-$2M
    • Minimum cost share required: 20% of the total project costs
    • Approximate award project period: 24 to 36 months
  • Topic Area 6: CROP – Co-located Renewable-Fuel and Off-road Vehicle Pilots
    Through a two-phased approach, proposals under this area of interest will demonstrate locally produced, renewable fuels for agricultural use.

    • Approximate dollar amount of individual awards: $1.5M-$2M
    • Minimum cost share required: 20% of the total project costs
    • Approximate award project period: 12 to 18 months
  • Topic Area 7: Vehicle Life Cycle Analysis Baseline
    The objective of this topic area is to conduct life cycle analysis (LCA) including energy usage, critical materials requirements, sustainability, and greenhouse gas emissions on up to four vehicles.

    • Approximate dollar amount of individual awards: $1M-$3M
    • Minimum cost share required: 20% of the total project costs
    • Approximate award project period: up to 24 months
  • Topic Area 8: Quality Improvements of Battery Busbar Joining
  • Topic Area 9: Electric Vehicle Workforce Development
    This topic area targets the development of local, state, regional, or national outreach, awareness, and partnership building efforts.

    • Approximate dollar amount of individual awards: $1.6M-$2.5M
    • Minimum cost share required: 0% cost share required
    • Approximate award project period: 24 to 36 months
  • Topic Area 10: Vehicle Technology Integration – Open Topic
    The objective of this topic area is to explore novel solutions to transportation and related clean energy and infrastructure challenges through demonstration and deployment projects that will spur market development. The project team must include at least one active and DOE-designated Clean Cities and Communities coalition with a significant project role.

    • Approximate dollar amount of individual awards: $1M-$2M
    • Minimum cost share required: 50% of the total project costs
    • Approximate award project period: up to 36 months

Topic areas 9 and 10 either recommend or require the involvement of at least one Clean Cities and Communities coalition. If you would like to talk with us about a potential project idea or would like help identifying your local coalition, contact us.

Deadlines and Timelines

  • Submission Deadline for Concept Papers: April 1, 2025, 5:00 p.m. ET
  • Submission Deadline for Full Applications: June 18, 2025, 5:00 p.m. ET
  • Expected Date for EERE Selection Notifications: November 5, 2025, 5:00 p.m. ET
  • Expected Timeframe for Award Negotiations: February 2026

Find more information and download the full notice of funding opportunity on the EERE Exchange website.