
MN EV Owners Meeting: How do EVs fit with a Passive House?

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Would you like to learn more on the topic of Passive House, all-electric home, renewables, carbon-neutrality and how all of this works with EVs?

Our guide on this journey is Architectural Engineer Tim Delhey Eian. He is a Certified Passive House Designer and founder of TE Studio. He will provide a presentation followed by a virtual walkthrough of a sample home and a meaningful Q&A session. If you have a chance, check out some videos on his website as pre-work before the meeting so you can better follow all the concepts that will be discussed.

Zoom meeting is free. Click here for meeting registration.

Wednesday, December 15, 6:00-8:30PM


  • 6:00 – 6:30 Opening and introductions
  • 6:30 – 8:00 How do EVs fit with a Passive House?, Tim Delhey Eian: Founder of TE Studio
  • 8:00 – 8:30 EV market update, upcoming events and other news.

Minnesota Electric Vehicle Owners group provides a forum for Minnesota electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid owners to connect, share their experiences and learn more about plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) related topics. The group meets at least once a month. The meeting topics and discussions focus on factory manufactured PEVs and related infrastructure.

These meetings are free and open to anyone who owns or is interested in purchasing or leasing a PEV.  Join us, bring your questions and topics, participate in polls and expect to discuss a variety of EV related subjects in small and large groups.

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