
MPA 2022 Summer Convention & Trade Show

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The 2022 Minnesota Propane Association Summer Convention and Trade show is returning to the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center. Come and see your suppliers that you have not seen in a while, and all the latest they have to offer. Educational sessions will be offered to list just a few: DOT Hazmat Refresher, Propane Service/Regulator Installations, Propane out of Gas/Trouble shooting and OSHA Audit/Inspections. Evenings will offer plenty of time for networking and entertainment to enjoy the beautiful sites of Duluth.

July 19 – 21, 2022

Duluth Entertainment Convention Center
350 Harbor Dr, Duluth MN 55802

Register for a Dinner Cruise, Brewery/Cidery w/dinner Tour, Charter Fishing, Golfing

Click link to open the registration form or call MPA office to register: 763-633-4271

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