Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is currently accepting applications for Phase 2 of their Moving Greater Minnesota Forward program.

Moving Greater Minnesota Forward is MnDOT’s innovative shared mobility incubator, the first and only in the country focused on the unique needs of rural, tribal, and small urban communities. Under Phase 2 of our program, MnDOT is making $500,000 in grant funding available for demonstration pilot projects in Greater Minnesota of up to 24 months.

MnDOT encourages projects that successfully completed Phase 1, or similar work, and developed an idea that is ready for real-world testing to apply for up to two years of pilot funding in Phase 2. The purpose of Phase 2 grants is to provide funding for demonstration projects of up to two years as a proof of concept for shared mobility projects in Greater Minnesota. Phase 2 seeks to help shared mobility projects that have completed Phase 1, or have completed similar work on their own, to implement their shared mobility idea in a real-world test that may be used to scale and expand their project after Phase 2 is complete.

The Phase 2 application period closes Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm Central Time. Learn more about this opportunity and apply on the MnDOT Moving Greater Minnesota Forward webpage.