The Mobility, Access, and Transportation Insecurity (MATI) Program is a funding opportunity aimed at addressing transportation insecurity. Transportation insecurity is the condition in which people face material, systemic, and relational issues that contribute to their inability to access needed services or destinations comfortably, conveniently, and affordably. In more basic terms, transportation insecurity may appear as a transportation challenge in a person or community’s day-to-day experiences.

This program will consist of a two-phase process. This RFP solicits participation in the first phase of the program. Applicants selected in Phase 1 will be tasked with developing a full deployment plan that addresses a critical transportation need for a priority population(s). Applicants selected in Phase 1 will receive up to $100,000 and additional technical assistance. The selected applicant for Phase 2 will receive up to $600,000 for project implementation.

The first deadline is a required Expression of Interest, due by 5pm CT on March 14, 2025.

Learn more on the RFP website.

And if you’d like to connect with us about any potential ideas, contact us.